Church is a vibrant and busy place, with activities on most days of the week. Scroll down this page or click on the icons below to find out what you can get involved with.
10:30 Morning Worship
Open to all, including JAM (Jesus and Me) Sunday school groups for children and young people. JAM is for primary school age children up to the end of Year 5. 6Up is for Year 6-9 or equivalent. Please check our “Home Page” for updates.
18:30 Evening Service
If you enjoy a time of peaceful evening worship please note that our services vary please check the Home Page for what’s on each week . The 3rd Sunday the month will be a reflective Communion service. Please get in touch to find our more or talk to a deacon in church.
Prayer 4 Thatcham will be alternate months at 6:30pm at one of the local churches.
18:30 Youth Bible Group
For anyone in Years 9-13 or equivalent. Youth group meets in the loft. Contact David Taylor for more information.
20:00 Prayer Night
Sunday night prayer on Zoom at 8pm. We would welcome newcomers, so contact Carol Collis if you’d like to join us.
20:00 Monday Night Small Group at TBC and another meets on Zoom
Contact Nick Richmond or Penny J for details
10:00 - 12:00 Coffee Morning
10am-12 noon open cafe – drinks, cakes and a warm welcome for everyone.
12:00 - 15:00 Fellas Games Afternoon
Described by one member as a “youth group for men”, bring your packed lunch and join us for drinks and games such as pool, table tennis, darts etc. every Tuesday.
18:00 - 20:30 International Bible Study
International Bible Study at 7.30pm preceded by evening meal at 6pm
19:30 Alpha Course
Please speak to Pastor David Taylor to register for the next course which starts on 18th September or use the ‘Contact us’ form to ask for more information.
19:30 House Group
Wednesday Home Group at 7:30pm led by Christa.

10:00 -11.30 TBC Toddlers
13:00 - 15:00 West Berks Foodbank
Clients, volunteers and donors are welcome. A friendly face, a chat and a cup of tea.
Our foodbank works using a voucher referral system. In order to get help from our
foodbank, you will need a voucher issued by local agencies or call Crisis Foodline on 01635 760560
14:30 -16.30 Vintage Adventure
A time of fun, making friends, singing, informal worship, tea and cake for the young at heart in our community. Inclusive and dementia friendly 3rd Thursday of each month organised by the Churches in Thatcham and held at the Methodist Church, RG18 4QL from 2.30-4.00pm.
13:30 Small Group - Top Floor at TBC
Small Group led by David Taylor – finishes at 2.30pm – ideal for parents/carers involved in school pick up.
20:00 Small Group
Home Group at 8pm led by Wendell Lam
19:30-21.00 Youth Games Night
Youth Games Night, held monthly providing a safe space for young people of secondary school age to make friends, play games (pool, table tennis etc.) create crafts and enjoy some food and drinks together, from 7:30pm until 9pm on the 2nd Friday of the month. Contact Robin Appleby or David Taylor for more details.
Youth night dates this term are 13th Sep, 27th Sep, 11th Oct, 8th Nov, 22nd Nov, 6th Dec
8:00 Men's Breakfast
Men’s Breakfast is on the first Saturday of the month – details from Greg Smith
7:30 - 9:30 Prayer Breakfast
All are welcome to come along to our breakfast prayer sessions from 7:30-9:30am. Enjoy breakfast and come together in worship.
All Week
Small Groups
Small Groups give people an opportunity to meet with a smaller group of people (typically 6-10) either in someone’s home or at church or online. Each small group has elements of prayer, Bible study, discussion, socialising, support and encouragement, but every group has its own identity and emphasis. They are an excellent way to make deep friendships whilst growing in faith. Please click here to send us a contact form if you would like to find out more.
We regularly run Alpha Courses which are designed specially for newcomers and give a really accessible introduction to the Christian faith. A typical Alpha course is a small group of 8-10 people meeting over a period of 3 months.
Contact Pastor David Taylor on 07922 170503 for more information.
See below for an outline of the full course:

We would love to have you on our next Alpha Course. Please contact us for details of dates.