You Are Loved.
Welcome to Our Church
We’re so glad you’ve found us and we look forward to connecting with you. In the meantime, take a look around our site.
On Sundays, our service is in church and live on Facebook with YouTube link at 10.30am.
Join us or catch up on
or @Thatcham Baptist Church on YouTube
Latest News
Services and Events For Your Diary
Sunday 5th January 10.30am Family Communion Service
Tuesday 7th January 10am – 12noon Coffee Morning re-starts
Tuesday 7th January 12noon -3pm Fellas Games Afternoon re-starts
Wednesday 8th January 7.30-9.00pm Hope Explored -Everyone welcome to join this new short course please let us (David or Gill or Sarah) know if you will be joining the meal beforehand.
Thursday 9th January 10am -11.15am Toddlers re-starts
Friday 10th January 7:30pm – 9pm Youth Night @TBC
Sunday 12th January 10.30am Morning Service with JAM and 6Up re-starting
Wednesday 15th January 7.30-9.00pm Hope Explored
Thursday 16th January 2.30pm-4pm Vintage Adventure at The Methodist Church
Sunday 19th January 10.30am Morning Service Pulpit swap: visiting preacher
from The Well as part of Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (January 18th – 25th 2025)
Sunday 19th January 6:30pm Reflective Communion
Monday 20th January Week of prayer for Christian Unity (WPCU) service at 7:30pm at St Mary’s
Wednesday 22nd January 7.30-9.00pm Hope Explored
Thursday 23rd January 7:30pm Thatcham Baptist Church Members’ and Friends’ Meeting Face to Face and on Zoom
Friday 24th January 7:30pm – 9pm Youth Night @TBC
Saturday 25th January 12 noon WPCU Thatcham Methodist Church (bring your own lunch)
Sunday 26th January 10.30am Morning Service
Wednesday 29th January 7.30-9.00pm Hope Explored
Friday 31st January 5-7pm Kids’ Faith Club (KFC) for children in school years 1-6
Saturday 1st February 8am Men’s Breakfast John Hughesdon will speak about his time as the Sherriff of the City of London
Spaces are limited! If you wish to attend, please sign up on the noticeboard in the foyer.
Sunday 2nd February 10.30am Morning Service
Sunday 9th February 10.30am Morning Service
Sunday 16th February 10.30am Family Service
Sunday 23rd February 10.30am Family Service
Saturday 1st March 8am Men’s Breakfast
Sunday 2nd March 10.30am Morning Service
Thursday 20th March at 7:30pm Church Annual General Meeting
Monday 14th April – Friday 18th April – Spring Harvest in Minehead, join our church group and enjoy worship, teaching, seminars, sports, crafts and fun, with all the Butlins facilities onsite and the beach over the road.
Everyone is welcome at TBC please contact David Taylor via the CONTACT US page if you would like to know more about any of these services or activities.
ChurchSuite is our church communication portal, through it you can hear about TBC events, news and small groups.
Please sign up so that we can communicate better with others in our Church Fellowship. Please talk to any of the deacons for more information.
West Berkshire Foodbank
At a time when demand is increasing, your donations are essential for the Foodbank to be able to offer help and support for those in difficulties in our local communities. Thank you!
Their current needs list is on
Donations can be left at our church in the basket in the foyer. The church is also used as a distribution point and support centre for the Foodbank on Thursdays.
Hope Explored
Hope is a wonderful thing – but few things are more crushing than when our hopes are disappointed. A hope worth having needs to be true; to deliver what it promises; and to be for something that will last. That’s what the Christian faith claims to offer: a hope worth having. Real hope is a joyful expectation for the future, based on true events in the past, which changes everything about the present.
West Berkshire Refugee Support
Thank you for your continued support and prayers as our friends await decisions from the Home Office.
Contact Us
Thatcham Baptist Church
Wheelers Green Way
RG19 4YF
01635 867054
Join us in church or catch up on
Church is the people, not the building
Covid-19 may have changed our style of worship in 2020 but we are delighted to keep the benefits allowing you to join us, in person, on Sunday mornings from 10:30am or you can join our livestreamed services on YouTube with a link shared on
Please continue to be considerate to others and, if you are unwell please enjoy our service from the comfort of your home.
LIVESTREAMING: as we are continuing to livestream our services we will endeavour to not film children unless pre-agreed. However please be aware that:
If you sit on the front 2 rows, you may be caught on camera.
If your child appears unexpectedly on the stage or within the front 2 rows, they may be caught on camera. We would ask that if you do not want your child to appear on camera, you prevent this from happening.